Blogging positives and motivation Wednesday

Happy hump day friends, we are half way there!

I didn’t make it to the gym this morning. My stomach is off, my head is congested and dammit, my body needs a break ;). But on a positive note, it IS Wednesday, and I am using the upcoming exciting things to keep me motivated today.

1. I go to LA in about 2 1/2 weeks.
2. Halloween is in about a month, which marks Mike and my unofficial 2 year anniversary 🙂 🙂 🙂
3. I get to think of a Halloween costume
4. My brother comes to MN in mid-November for a wedding he is in
6. I get to go back to Dallas for 10 days over Christmastime
7. Mystery exciting thing in which I cannot tell you since I’m not sure if it is 100% yet.

What is keeping you going today?

Moving on…

One of my favorite things about the blogging community is finding new foods and food combinations you may not have thought of yourself. Both my breakfast and my lunch are examples of these combinations.

After reading Kristin’s blog yesterday morning about her breakfast wrap, I knew I had to create that for my breakfast this morning. I pretty made the exact same thing that she made. I’m a total copycat, but at least I am crediting the source :). Thanks for the fabulous idea Kristin!

On a whole wheat and mega high fiber wrap (32%, wowzas!), I lathered a combo of whipped cream cheese and Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter. Note to self, I must go get another jar this weekend because I have already eaten the whole jar in a week and a half.


With half of a naner sliced on top.


I then folded and packed it to bring to work this morning. I don’t yet have an appetite, but it has got to kick in at some point I would think!

With my sweet wrap I have some blueberry yogurt. Hopefully this will help calm my tummy, ugh.


For lunch, I am trying a new combo and praying that it works out taste wise. It looks and sounds pretty tasty to me, but you can be the judge as well. So what do we have here?

The other half of the mystery squash from Sunday. I filled it with about half of a cup of black beans and topped it with some feta cheese. Sound good?



I love the yellow/green color of this squash.


Along with a roll that I will heat in the microwave (and most likely smear with some peanut butter).


I also am brining along bread and oatmeal packets in case I need something a bit more bland today. I always crave the lamest most boring things when I am even *slightly* not feeling good.

Oh, and I can’t forget, I will be taking my Flinstones vitamin’s today. Yes, my co-worker has Flintstones vitamins and he has me take two a day, lol. I mean, who wouldn’t want one of these?


Are you a fan of Halloween? Have you started to think about your costume? If so, what are you thinking for this year?

I love Halloween. Okay, maybe mostly because of the candy ;). But I have a few friends that despise the ‘holiday’.

I am not sure what I am going to be this year, maybe BATWOMAN, get it!?!? I’m not actually going to be that. I have a good friend at work that comes up with the best costumes, so she is going to help me.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

14 responses to “Blogging positives and motivation Wednesday

  1. i hope your not getting sick girl 😦

    Since i’ve been blogging, i’ve tried so many different things that i normaly wouldn’t have either and i LOVE IT! i get so many ideas and i’m real thankful for that! so glad that you tried some new things out 🙂

  2. Glad you are starting to feel better! I am in the category of people who don’t really like Halloween :/ I know, it’s bad… but mine springs from the fact that really crappy things have happened to me during that time (i.e. first day of new job 3 years ago and my boyfriend of 1 year breaks up with me outta nowhere only 1 week after traveling to meet my entire extended family – try that for goin back to day 2 at the new job, yea I was a mess… but in the end so glad it happened or else I wouldn’t have met the man!) So it’s not halloween so much that I don’t care for, it’s that particular time of year…. ah well, can’t win ’em all!

  3. I make a similiar swuash entree, which I had at a local rest. and was amazing. Luckily I am able to make a similiar product for about 1/4 of the price. I will have to post it and let you know:)

    Club soda helps me greatly when my stomache is feeling iffy, or gingerale if nothing else is available.

    Happy Wednesday!!!

  4. Ooh, what are you going to LA for? I’ll be there Oct 9-18 visiting a friend and going to a conference!

  5. Copy away my friend!! Hope you like it, and feel better!! :D:D

  6. I love Halloween! I actually have a costume catalog that I’m browsing through on my lunch break…perhaps I’ll shop for a costume this weekend 🙂

  7. Sorry you still aren’t feeling well. I hope your appetite kicks in soon!

    I’ve never really dressed up much for Halloween, I’m just not that creative and never have anywhere to wear a cotume to. Gotta love the candy though.

  8. the blogging community is the best, end of story!

    so i’m kind of really tempted to go trick or treating this year.. you’re never too old, am i right?

  9. you got a lot of things going for ya!

  10. I LOVED flinstone vitamins!! Good times good memories. I’m being a ganger/mobster/mafia dude this year. Combo of the 3 I guess?

  11. I don’t know If I said it already but …Hey good stuff…keep up the good work! 🙂 I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,)

    A definite great read….

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