Winter Wonderland

We are living in a winter wonderland here in Minneapolis. I woke up early this morning to take Petrie out to go potty and was taken back when I opened the door to a dusting of white.

Something like this…


Only in downtown Minneapolis.

Petrie wasn’t sure of what to think of the snow. She tried attacking it but realized that wasn’t working for her. She also tried to eat it which I think she thoroughly enjoyed.

I took Saturday off from exercise and yesterday I did the 30 Day Shred, level 2. So this morning I was more than ready to hit the gym for a run. I did a nice and steady 7 miles on the treadmill.

Breakfast this morning incorporated the granola I made yesterday. I packed a baggie of granola to have with some yogurt and a pear.


The granola has mixed nuts, coconut and dried fruit in it. Lots of fiber, protein and staying power. It also has a good amount of honey; got to sweeten it up. Am I right or am I right?




I am going home for lunch today to let Petrie out for a walk and go potty. Not sure what is on the menu, but I will report back.

Hopefully I will get a lot done at work today. My company isn’t open today due to the ‘holiday’. However, I am working today. In turn, I get an extra vacation day. Yayy!!

How was your weekend? Mine was good. Not what I expected, but I will definitely take it. :mrgreen: I hope that we get to go apple picking next weekendl

11 responses to “Winter Wonderland

  1. Oh wow, I can’t believe you are getting snow already!!! And I thought our low 50’s this a.m. was too cold haha πŸ˜‰ Anywho, hope you have a productive day including more fun with Petrie!

  2. Snow already?!?! EEEK! Wow, I thought it was cold in the Jerz. Stay warm and have a good day at home πŸ™‚

  3. 7 miles?!!?!? Wow! How awesome.

    It’s so cute when dogs try to eat snow or rain. LOL cracks me up.

  4. thats some serious snow! o my lanta! I don’t even want to think about it, i dont think i’m ready for the winter wonderland! I hope lunch is tasty, cya later girlie!

  5. snow? It’s only October. Is this normal for your area?

  6. Yeah, it snowed in Wisconsin too this weekend. This is wayyy too early. It kind of looks like we’ll have snow on Halloween again!

  7. Oh how beautiful! I want snow!

  8. Mmm yep – I was definitely glad to be hoppin on a BUS this morning instead of getting in my car. Lol I HATE scraping the windshield!

    Forecast said it’s going to warm up to 60Β° this weekend.. so if that holds true then I think apple picking is a definite possibility.. that is if they didn’t go bad during the freeze. 😦 Where do you guys go apple picking? I didn’t get the chance to go this year and I’m BUMMED! (Insert pouty face here.)

  9. Snow in early October? Out of control! That photo made me chilly!

  10. get outta town! snow? don’t know if I’m ready for that!

    p.s. just saw the new addition to your family — so presh! hit me up if you ever need a dog sitter πŸ˜‰

  11. yummy granola!

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