My new love

Evening! We all survived Monday 🙂

I found a new love, and it comes wrapped up in a lovely little package for ‘kids’! I have seen these little bundles of joy around the blogging community for sometime now, and picked up a box today a Targe-boutique!

Amo molto! Aka, I love very much. I admit, I went to an online translator to look this up in Italian. Which you will see why as your read on… the suspense…

When I got home, I was starving, so instead of raiding the cupboard and spoiling my appetite, I had a cheese and cracker to hold me over.

I randomly bought a brick of cheddar cheese yesterday, which I am so glad I did. I haven’t had cheese and crackers in ages it seems. What a fantastic little treat. The cheese is also incorporated into lunch for tomorrow. I’m already pumped about this lunch I have packed. You’ll just have to wait and see folks.

Dinner was ITALIAN! Sauteed bell pepper, green beans, brocolli, and onion with penne pasta and parmesan cheese. On the side, a crusty piece of pippin’ hot bread that I warmed up in the oven.

Close up- I’m a want to be artistic photographer…

This dinner totally hit the spot. I am already craving dessert. I am going to follow Meghann’s lead from her post last night… ice cream on top of fruit. A wonderful tip from the Healthy Living Summit!

In other news, an exciting adventure for me. I am going to be working on setting up my own domain! However, is already taken, boo urns. Soooo, next best thing? with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’ folks. I will let you know when this happens, but pretty cool huh? I’m pretty stoked… I hope to make the blog a lot prettier for all my readers!

Also, on tap for tomorrow morning? A date with More specifically, Power Yoga for beginners. Yoga attempt numero dos.

Since tomorrow is September, which in many people’s minds, ends the ‘summer’ season, I thought this question would only be fitting. Do you feel that you lived up your summer to the fullest? Or do you wish you could have done more?

Night ya’ll!


10 responses to “My new love

  1. I just tried the Blueberry Cliff bar too and LOVED it! It’s like a blueberry muffin. I just heard a trick to warm these in the microwave for a nice little dessert. Great idea!

    Good luck on the new domain. You could also try – that’s what I did because mine was taken too.
    Have a great evening hun!

  2. Both Josh and I love z bars! Clif rocks- they have some of the best products. Dinner looks so delicious. I bet you’ll sleep amazing 🙂 Good luck with the new domain…I totally need to get on that

  3. I love the cliff kidz bars – and p.s. target has the best price around on these suckers so good work! They are great when you only want a smaller size snack since most bars are well over 200 cals and these only 120 or so. Put some PB on the chocolate brownie flava, yummm-o 🙂

  4. Yum, I love the z-bars…I almost got a box at target yesterday (s’mores is my fav I think) but I’m trying not to shop this week. (and I’ve already not succeeded) Oops!

  5. I do wish I had traveled more this summer, but alas the budget did not allow for such. Happy first of September to ya!

  6. I had such a wonderful summer–but I always feel like I could have done more! I hate thinking it the “could have” mindset though, and I reeeeeeally excited for fall!


  7. Hey girl thanks for entering my giveaway! I love z-bars. Who says they’re for kids??
    As much as I wished I had spent summer back home, I had quite a few trips, concerts, vacations, etc. It was fun!

  8. livelaughloveandrun

    Although I think that I lived up this summer, I am very sad to see it go. I feel like it just began!! Happy September!

  9. congrats on the new domain girl!

    I think I did all that I could this summer — but still have a feeling that I wish I did more.. ah well, there’s always next year right?!

    enjoy your evening!

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