Cake Ball School

I need to head to Cake Ball school and take a course in chocolate dipping.  More on this later.

Hope you guys enjoyed Mike’s guest post this morning.  What a guy, huh?  I sure think so!

Today’s eats were pretty uneventful.  I’m back to not feeling 100%, and I know this for a fact because my appetite isn’t really there.  For breakfast we had blueberry/raspberry pancakes with peach cut on top.  I topped mine with syrup and actually added my new Pumpkin Butter on top after the photo.  It was stellar.



Oh, and a sausage link :).  It was a pretty decent breakfast, but afterwards I was feeling even worse, ugh.  Something cheered me up a little bit though, I actually figured out my header for my domain website.  This is WAY exciting folks.  I was giving up hope, but I am now completely restored.  Now, it will still be awhile since I have many, many other things to try and figure out, but hey, one step closer.  I’m trying to partake in the power of positive thinking.

After awhile though, I started to be less successful in my battle against WordPress.  Instead, I watched the Viking’s win, whoohoo and ate ‘lunch’.  I started with my leftovers from last night…


And after a few bites, my stomach was not having that flavor combo.  I needed something a little lighter and more refreshing.  A bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats sat much better.  I call this cereal old school, because I grew up on this stuff.  My brother could probably eat a whole box of this cereal as well (he would probably reply with the fact that I almost ate a whole box of Reese’s PB Puff’s cereal once, but that is of course not true… 😉 ).


After the Vikings game and laying on the couch for a good few hours, Mike, in the nicest way possible, told me I may feel better if I got out of the house and got some fresh air.  This is when we headed to Target to ‘get parmesan’ and came home with parmesan, a new puzzle, the new Dan Brown book, some gummy bears and some Halloween candy.  Yep, the idea of getting ‘only one thing’ definitely didn’t work out so well!  Ohhh Tarjay, you get me every time!

Dinner was a recipe out of Cooking Light: Fresh Tomato, Sausage and Pecorino Pasta.  Stupid me forgot the basil yesterday at the grocery store, so we didn’t have that to put in.  We also substituted ground turkey for sausage and parmesan for the pecorino.


My plate, with a salad and ciabatta bread.



This recipe was just mediocre.  I’m sure if we would have used the sausage and had basil, it would have been better.  However, I don’t think this dish would knock anybody’s socks off.

Moving on to the baked good of the week

RED VELVET CAKE BALLS!!!  A la, Bakerella!

You start by licking the cake batter spatula baking the cake…



Then adding a tub of cream cheese frosting…


And rolling the above mess into balls…


After this, it all went downhill.  Well, not really, but kinda ;).  I let these sit in the fridge for 5 hours before dipping them in the chocolaty goodness.  I don’t know if I didn’t wait long enough or what, but the they weren’t rolling very easily and the chocolate just kind of gooped on.  Next time, I think I will put the balls in the freezer for awhile so they can get more tightly bound before dunkin’ them in chocolate.

However, I did manage to save six damn good looking cake balls, not to toot my own horn of anything.




Ohhhhhh yeaaaa.  How good do those look?  Mike cracked me up when he asked, ‘So, how many cake balls would be considered one serving?’.  LoL.  He makes me smile 🙂

Well friends, that’s all I got tonight.  I’m going to go lay down and hopefully get to bed early.  I really need to kick whatever is making me feel semi blah before the week begins tomorrow.  But you best bet I will be having some cake balls before I slumber <3.

8 responses to “Cake Ball School

  1. These cake balls look pretty cool – love the concept and love the chocolate covered drizzle too! Hope you feel better tomorrow girl 🙂

  2. those cake balls look so cool! i am sad to hear you aren’t feeling well. if it makes you feel any better i am not feeling all that well. i really hope i am not getting sick 😦

  3. Cake balls…yes please!
    Sorry you’re feeling a little under the weather…it seems like there is something going around…yikes!
    Hope you feel better, have a great week!

  4. LOVE cake balls!! I’ve never made them myself, but they were tasty when I tried someone else’s!

  5. Oh and deary, I’m sorry you’re also feeling sick 😦 Feel better soon!

  6. Sorry your feeling sickish, I haven’t got my appetite 100% either which is really hard for a food blogger as you must know! Congrats on figuring out your header, I have yet to do that but am dying to change it to something unique rather than what it came with. And the cake balls look fab! If I was hungry instead of sipping tea and feeling yucky I would definitely want one or five of those!

  7. I think the cake balls looks amazing! They seem like they’d be amazing even without the chocolate. Yum!!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  8. I really need to try my hand at these!

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